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Yellow fat disease (steatitis) : description of 20 cases with emphasis on typical ultrasounographic findings
The effect of body condition and the application of thermoplastic, glue-on heart bar shoes on forelimb hoof kinetics in Shetland ponies
Can the hoof mechanism be positively influenced by a newly developed horseshoe?
Involvement of Mycoplasma bovis in postsurgical seromas in Belgian Blue cattle
Motor evoked potentials in standing and recumbent calves by magnetic stimulation at the foramen magnum
How local are local blocks of the distal limb?
Avoiding carbohydrate overload in horses with impaired dental function
Nutritional key factors of homemade diets for IBD, PLE and lymphangiectasia
Diagnostic support for veal calves: fact or fable?
Tetanus in equids: a survey over the period 2001–2013