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The complexity of team teaching models : the relationship with collaboration and shared responsibility
Differences in teachers' perception of job demands and resources related to well-being according to schools' strategic human resource management?
Understanding the gender gap in school (dis)engagement from three gender dimensions : the individual, the interactional and the institutional
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Departmental PLCs in secondary schools : the importance of transformational leadership, teacher autonomy, and teachers’ self-efficacy
Technological pedagogical content knowledge in teacher education: in search of a new curriculum
The decision-making and changing behavioural dynamics of potential higher education students: the impacts of increasing tuition fees in England
Emotion work and emotional exhaustion in teachers: the job and individual perspective
The influence of competences and support on school performance feedback use
ICT research and school performance feedback: a perfect marriage?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Collaborative learning in pre-service teacher education: an exploratory study on related conceptions, self-efficacy and implementation