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Dermatologist versus artificial intelligence confidence in dermoscopy diagnosis : complementary information that may affect decision-making
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Determining patient value profiles in psoriasis
Near-infrared spectroscopy as a potential non-invasive tool in the assessment of disease activity in vitiligo patients
ATP6V0A2-related cutis laxa in 10 novel patients : focus on clinical variability and expansion of the phenotype
Towards the development of a RNAi-based topical treatment for psoriasis : proof-of-concept in a 3D psoriasis skin model
Towards a bacterial treatment for armpit malodour
Feasibility study for clinical application of caspase-3 inhibitors in Pemphigus vulgaris
Targeting CTLA-4, PD-L1 and IDO to modulate immune responses in vitiligo
FRT - Fondation René Touraine : an international foundation for dermatology
Analysis of telomere length as predictive marker in psoriasis for comorbidities