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A psychometric evaluation of a reduced version of the PID-5 in clinical and non-clinical adolescents
Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the child problematic traits inventory in 3-to 12-year-old spanish children
The nomological network of emotion recognition ability evidence from the Geneva emotion recognition test
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Challenges and inequalities of opportunities in European psychiatry research : the example of psychodiagnostic tool availability in research on early autism identification
Testing the incremental value of a separate measure for secure attachment relative to a measure for attachment anxiety and avoidance in middle childhood and early adolescence
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- open access
Latent state-trait models for longitudinal family data : investigating consistency in perceived support
Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries
- Journal Article
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- open access
Development of an inventory assessing social and emotional skills in Brazilian youth
- Journal Article
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- open access
Anchoring vignettes can they make adolescent self-reports of social-emotional skills more reliable, discriminant, and criterion-valid?
The assessment of emotional awareness in children: validation of the levels of emotional awareness scale for children