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Overview of the current situation of embryo donation in Belgian fertility centers
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Manually driven versus motor driven hysteroscopic tissue removal system for polypectomy : long-term results
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Prognostic model on niche development after a first caesarean section : development and internal validation
Multidisciplinary team and quality of life in transitional care
DSD : The urologists' perspective
Primary amenorrhea caused by hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis
Women with combined adenomyosis and endometriosis on MRI have worse IVF/ICSI outcomes compared to adenomyosis and endometriosis alone : a matched retrospective cohort study
Accuracy of the combination of commercially available biomarkers and cervical length measurement to predict preterm birth in symptomatic women : a systematic review
Hysteroscopic morcellation versus bipolar resection for removal of type 0 and 1 submucous myomas : a randomized trial
Four year evaluation of therapeutic hysteroscopy under procedural sedation in an outpatient clinic