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Discourses of cultural diversity and inclusion in film policy : the case of Flanders (2002–2022)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ageing and unruliness : articulations of gaga feminism in representations of ageing, gender and sexuality
Retracing the racial semiotics of the other-lingual (anderstalige) in Dutch and Afrikaans : exploring its emergence in South Africa and its (re-)emergence in Flanders
Redrawing women’s later-in-life desires : representations of ageing femininities, intimacies and the promise of happiness in graphic novels
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
‘I’m just not gay-gay’ : exploring same-sex desire and sexual minority identity formation in SKAM and its Western European remakes
Public service broadcasting and the emergence of LGBT+ visibility : a comparative perspective on Ireland and Flanders
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Exploring Flemish Muslim children’s experiences and negotiation of offline and online group privacy
Photographable femininities in women’s magazines and on Instagram
Distinctively queer in the parish : performances of distinction and LGBTQ+ representations in Flemish prestige television fiction
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Shaping a ‘pedagogy of interruption’ : theorizing the role of educational agents in democratic education in urban contexts