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Tracking the magmatic flow in a dyke-sill hybrid system using a multi-method approach (AMS, SPO, X-ray micro-CT) for petrofabrics characterization (Lessines, Belgium)
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Understanding soil profiles and sediment redistribution over long time scales in an agrarian setting : the case of Lauwerdal (Northern France)
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- C3
- open access
BEL1D : 1D imaging using geophysical data in the framework of Bayesian Evidential Learning
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Assessment of magnetic data for landfill characterization by means of a probabilistic approach
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Constraining gradient-based inversion with a variational autoencoder to reproduce geological patterns
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The rain-shadow effect for the Ethiopian Highlands
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Historical land degradation strongly influences soil geography : a case in Ethiopia’s mountains
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Understanding soil profiles and sediment redistribution over long time scales in an agrarian setting: the case of Lauwerdal (Northern France)
- Conference Paper
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- open access
Recent geomorphic destabilization of mountain slopes, a possible link to climate change? Two case studies from Switzerland
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Existence and stability of morphodynamic equilibria in double inlet systems