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Colloidal metal oxide nanocrystal catalysis by sustained chemically driven ligand displacement
Enhanced Ge photoluminescence by increasing the active P doping using high order Ge precursors at lower growth temperatures
Evaluating the mixing and pouring process of concrete with embedded capsules or tubes
Encapsulation of polymeric healing agents for self-healing concrete
Microscopic investigation of mechanical regain origins due to autogenic healing in cementitious materials
Non-axenic NO3-reducing culture supersedes axenic cultures in development of microbial self-healing concrete
Ultrasonic wave transmission to monitor the performance of self-healing concrete based on encapsulated polymer precursors
Effect of chemical composition of polymeric precursors on the healing capability of cementitious materials
Microwave assisted synthesis of zirconia and YSZ colloidal solutions
Solution-based synthesis and characterization of ceramic BaZrO3 nanocrystals