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How compassionate is your neighborhood? Results of a cross-sectional survey on neighborhood participation regarding serious illness, death, and loss
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A compassionate university for serious illness, death, and bereavement : qualitative study of student and staff experiences and support needs
Developing a compassionate university : insights from a longitudinal process evaluation
Autonomy and dying : notes about decision-making and 'completed life' euthanasia in the Netherlands
Bereavement grief : a population-based foundational evidence study
What influences intentions to request physician-assisted euthanasia or continuous deep sedation?
The suffering in silence of older parents whose child died of cancer : a qualitative study
Attitudes of Belgian students of medicine, philosophy, and law toward euthanasia and the conditions for its acceptance
Reflections of older adults on the process preceding their suicide attempt: a qualitative approach
Confirming the Distinctiveness of Complicated Grief from Depression and Anxiety Among Adolescents