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A comprehensive taxonomy of cellular automata
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
On the existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlinear variable order time-fractional reaction–diffusion equation with delay
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear induction hardening problem with Leblond–Devaux model for a steel workpiece
The role of fractional calculus in modeling biological phenomena : a review
A memory-based model for blood viscosity
Inversion-based propofol dosing for intravenous induction of hypnosis
Nonlinear dynamics of the patient's response to drug effect during general anesthesia
A dynamical systems approach to the discrimination of the modes of operation of cryptographic systems
Wavelet modeling and prediction of the stability of states: the Roman Empire and the European Union
Influence of the topology of a cellular automaton on its dynamical properties