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Dietary management of patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease : EUROASPIRE V
Effect of 18 months elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor on body mass index and glycemic control in adults with cystic fibrosis
Malnutrition risk and severity : impact on patient outcomes and financial hospital reimbursement in a tertiary teaching hospital
Probiotics in cystic fibrosis patients : a double blind crossover placebo controlled study (vol 27, pg 59, 2018)
European Academy for medicine of ageing session participants' report on malnutrition assessment and diagnostic methods : an international survey
The nutritional status in CF : being certain about the uncertainties
Probiotics in cystic fibrosis patients : a double blind crossover placebo controlled study : pilot study from the ESPGHAN Working Group on Pancreas/CF
Advanced practice nursing : Nutrition Nurse Specialist role and function
Zusto : a new sweetening agent with low glycemic index
Clinical effects of probiotics in cystic fibrosis patients : a systematic review