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Microbleed patterns in critical illness and COVID-19
Long lasting trigeminal neuropathy, limbic encephalitis and abdominal ganglionitis without primary cancer : an atypical case of Hu-Antibody syndrome
SILENT : the syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity : a case report with two years follow-up
Is Susac syndrome associated with bipolar disorder?
Quality of life in patients with PD and their caregiving spouses : a view from both sides
Recovery of peripheral muscle function from fatiguing exercise and daily physical activity level in patients with multiple sclerosis: a case-control study
Laughing gas abuse is no joke: an overview of the implications for psychiatric practice
Agranulocytosis after cocaine use: a case of suspected levamisole contamination in Belgium
Patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures referred to a tertiary epilepsy centre: patient characteristics in relation to diagnostic delay
Hashimoto encephalopathy and antibodies against dimethylargininase-1: a rare cause of cognitive decline in a pediatric Down's syndrome patient