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Joining forces : developing a smoking prevention intervention in social work organisations through co-creation with adolescents and youth workers
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Understanding interventions as social practices : how a school-based mental health intervention for migrant adolescents in Denmark interacted with context
Children’s reflections on privacy and the protection of their personal data : a child-centric approach to data protection information formats
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Developing a positive living climate in residential youth care : a qualitative study
Foster parents between voluntarism and professionalisation : unpacking the backpack
A critical analysis of the creation of separated care structures for unaccompanied refugee minors
Double trouble : the developmental process of school bully-victims
Deciding on priorities in youth care : a systematic literature review
Continuity of care in youth services: A systematic review
Detained girls' treatment engagement over time: the role of psychopathology and quality of life