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New constraints on the formation of main group pallasites derived from in situ trace element analysis and 2D mapping of olivine and phosphate
Past and current geochemical conditions influence silicon isotope signatures of pedogenic clay minerals at the soil profile scale, Ethiopia
U-Pb isotopic dating of columbite-tantalite minerals : development of reference materials and in situ applications by ion microprobe
Redox zonation and organic matter oxidation in palaeogroundwater of glacial origin from the Baltic Artesian Basin
Effect of dissolved H2SO4 on the interaction between CO2-rich brine solutions and limestone, sandstone and marl
The densities and dimensions of recoil-track etch pits in mica
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Standardless fission-track dating of the Durango apatite age standard
Ferrihydrite precipitation in groundwater-fed river systems (Nete and Demer river basins, Belgium): insights from a combined Fe-Zn-Sr-Nd-Pb-isotope study
Stable Sr-isotope, Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, Li/Ca and Mg/Li ratios in the scleractinian cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa
The origin of medium-K ankaramitic arc magmas from Lombok (Sunda arc, Indonesia): Mineral and melt inclusion evidence