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- Journal Article
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An immunological puzzle : the adaptive immune system fuels Alzheimer’s disease pathology
The MHC class II transactivator modulates seeded alpha-synuclein pathology and dopaminergic neurodegeneration in an in vivo rat model of Parkinson's disease
Inflammation in obese children and adolescents : association with psychosocial stress variables and effects of a lifestyle intervention
Gut microbiome patterns depending on children's psychosocial stress : reports versus biomarkers
State-associated changes in longitudinal [18F]-PBR111 TSPO PET imaging of psychosis patients : evidence for the accelerated ageing hypothesis?
Kynurenic acid is reduced in females and oral contraceptive users : implications for depression
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The choroid plexus epithelium as a novel player in the stomach-brain axis during Helicobacter infection
Semi-synthetic sapogenin exerts neuroprotective effects by skewing the brain ischemia reperfusion transcriptome towards inflammatory resolution
β₂-Adrenergic receptors in immunity and inflammation: stressing NF-κB
Therapeutic implications of the choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid interface in neuropsychiatric disorders