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Navigating process evaluation in co-creation : a Health CASCADE scoping review of used frameworks and assessed components
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- open access
Sexual satisfaction, an indicator of sexual health and well-being? Insights from STI/HIV prevention research in European men who have sex with men
Nutrition remains a top priority in Ukraine despite the ongoing war: the fight against trans fats
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A perspective on urban health systems and research for equitable healthcare in Africa
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Systematic review of the concept ‘male involvement in maternal health’ by natural language processing and descriptive analysis
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A double-edged sword : telemedicine for maternal care during COVID-19 : findings from a global mixed-methods study of healthcare providers
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Pregnancy cohorts and biobanking in sub-Saharan Africa : a systematic review
The Rwanda clinical research network (Rwanda-CRN) : a model for mixed South-South and North-South collaborations for clinical research capacity development
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Path analyses of risk factors for linear growth faltering in four prospective cohorts of young children in Ghana, Malawi and Burkina Faso
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Emerging role of family medicine in South Africa