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- Journal Article
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Emotional eating after manipulating emotion regulation : a laboratory study in adolescents
Parental rejection as a predictor of emotional eating after inpatient weight loss treatment for youngsters
Feasibility and effectiveness of adding an approach avoidance training with game elements to a residential childhood obesity treatment : a pilot study
BIS/BAS scale in primary school children : parent-child agreement and longitudinal stability
The detection of eating disorder symptoms in adolescence: a comparison between the children's eating disorder examination and the children's eating disorder examination questionnaire
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
(In)variability of attachment in middle childhood: secure base script evidence in diary data
Gender differences in cognitive schema vulnerability and depressive symptoms in adolescence
Selective information-processing in depressed children and adolescents: Is there a difference in processing of self-referent and other-referent information?
Effects of thought suppression on subliminally and subliminally presented food-related stimuli