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What we think we know about cybersecurity : an investigation of the relationship between perceived knowledge, internet trust, and protection motivation in a cybercrime context
Online and offline social support deterioration : the effect of financial stress exposure on depressive symptoms
Recreational athletes’ running motivations as predictors of their use of online fitness community features
‘You talking to me?’ The influence of peer communication on adolescents’ persuasion knowledge and attitude towards social advertisements
Self-reflection on privacy research in social networking sites
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An open book on Facebook? Examining the interdependence of adolescents' privacy regulation strategies
'Can I afford to help?’: how affordances of communication modalities guide bystanders' helping intentions towards harassment on social network sites
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Composition and role of convergent technological repertoires in audiovisual media consumption
Uploaders' definitions of the networked public on YouTube and their feedback preferences: a multimethod approach
Kilowhat? A multidisciplinary approach on the development of a home energy management system