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Linking local people's perception of wildlife and conservation to livelihood and poaching alleviation : a case study of the Dja biosphere reserve, Cameroon
Interpreting long-term trends in bushmeat harvest in southeast Cameroon
Can tree species richness attenuate the effect of drought on organic matter decomposition and stabilization in young plantation forests?
Latitudinal variation of life-history traits of an exotic and a native impatiens species in Europe
Mixing effects on litter decomposition rates in a young tree diversity experiment
Marine flora of the Iles Eparses (Scattered Islands): a longitudinal transect through the Mozambique Channel
Water table and species identity outweigh carbon and nitrogen availability in a softwater plant community
The presence of root-feeding nematodes - not AMF - affects an herbivore dispersal strategy
Forest herb layer response to long-term light deficit along a forest developmental series
Evaluation of species richness estimators based on quantitative performance measures and sensitivity to patchiness and sample grain size.