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Who's afraid of false friends? Cognate ratios in translated and non-translated Dutch
The trade-off between quantity and quality : comparing a large web corpus and a small focused corpus for medical terminology extraction
Krisztina Károly : aspects of cohesion and coherence in translation
Birds of a feather? A comparison of the personality profiles of aspiring interpreters and other language experts
Conceptualizing translation revision competence : a pilot study on the acquisition of the knowledge-about-revision and strategic subcompetences
A corpus-based multivariate analysis of linguistic norm-adherence in audiovisual and written translation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Translating English non-human subjects in agentive contexts : a closer look at Dutch
Corpus-based translation studies: across genres, methods and disciplines
Translator respect for source text information structure: a parallel investigation of causal connectors
Towards methodologically more rigorous corpus-based translation studies