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Buddhakṣetrapariśodhana : a Festschrift for Paul Harrison
Charles DiSimone (UGent) and Nicholas Witkowski -
- Book Chapter
- open access
An illuminated palm-leaf Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā manuscript folio circa 1130–60 CE
(2024) Buddhakṣetrapariśodhana : a Festschrift for Paul Harrison. In Indica et Tibetica 63. p.159-172 -
- Book
- open access
Vedānta, Bhakti, and their early modern sources : philosophical and religious dimensions of Brajvāsīdās’ Prabodhacandrodaya Nāṭaka
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Sūtra on Impermanence (2)
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Manuscript discoveries at Mes Aynak
Kālidāsa-lexicon, vol. 2 : references and concordance of quotations, part 1 : Rtusaṃhāra, Meghadūta, Kumārasaṃbhava, Raghuvaṃśa
Kālidāsa-lexicon, vol. 1 : basic text of the works, part 4 : Raghuvamsa
Kālidāsa-lexicon, vol. 1 : basic text of the works, part 3 : Kumārasambhava, Meghadūta, Rtusamhāra and incerta
Kālidāsa-lexicon, vol. 1 : basic text of the works, part 2 : Mālavikāgnimitra and Vikramorvaśi