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Tanya Titchkosky, Elaine Cagulada, and Madeleine DeWelles with Efrat Gold. DisAppearing: Encounters in Disability Studies. Toronto: Canadian Scholars, 2022
Terrorism sentencing
Probing the explanatory power of iconicity in language
SFL and learning Latin : on authentic reading and language awareness
The herring cask and its sign system as witnesses to a growing fishing industry in fifteenth-century Flanders
Dutch algebra and arithmetic in Japan before the Meiji restoration
More than a simple intuition : towards a categorization of palaeographical features in Greek documentary papyri
Greek formulae in Coptic legal documents (7th-8th c.) : graphemic and linguistic adaptation vs. alternation
Sapore and sapere : culinary imagery and the principle of Quaestio in the Allegory of Taste by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel