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Does music affect performance on a hazard perception test for cyclists?
Event rate and reaction time performance in ADHD: testing predictions from the state regulation deficit hypothesis using an ex-Gaussian model
Manipulating item proportion and deception reveals crucial dissociation between behavioral, autonomic and neural indices of concealed information
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
RT-based memory detection: Item saliency effects in the single-probe and the multiple-probe protocol
Suppressing the truth as a mechanism of deception: Delta plots reveal the role of response inhibition in lying
Deficient motor timing in children with neurofibromatosis type 1
ADHD performance reflects inefficient but not impulsive information processing: a diffusion model analysis
A comparative study of performance in simple and choice reaction time tasks between obese and healthy-weight children
Neural underpinnings of impaired predictive motor timing in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
Fictitious inhibitory differences : how skewness and slowing distort the estimation of stopping latencies