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(Un)Doing Gender Norms in Postfeminist China: The Case of Male Beauty Influencer Li Jiaqi
Undoing the development army : a paradigm shift from transfer of technology to agricultural innovation system in Ethiopian extension
The patient's role development in the process of participating in multidisciplinary team meetings : from passive attendees to active members or dropouts
An in-depth study on the meaning of sport for the social reintegration of (formerly) incarcerated people
It gives me time, but does it give me freedom? A contextual understanding of anticipatory decision-making in social egg freezing
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Self-management support (SMS) in primary care practice : a qualitative focus group study of care professionals’ experiences
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Systematic aggression registration in forensic psychiatric care : a qualitative study on preconditions for successful implementation
The process of clinical decision-making in chronic wound care : a scenario-based think-aloud study
Voice and communication in transmasculine individuals one year under testosterone therapy : a qualitative study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Understanding adaptive responses in PrEP service delivery in Belgian HIV clinics : a multiple case study using an implementation science framework