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Genomic sequencing capacity, data retention, and personal access to raw data in Europe
Management of abdominal aortic aneurysm and concomitant malignant disease
Gedachteloosheid in de kliniek : een Arendtiaanse reflectie op het handelen van de hulpverlener
The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery : a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis
Pain distress : the negative emotion associated with procedures in ICU patients
Hypospadias repair at a tertiary care center: long-term followup is mandatory to determine the real complication rate
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'La marche des opérations électorales': bepalingen rond kiesverrichtingen in de Belgische kieswetgeving, 1830-1940
Maximizing the net present value of a project: a comparison of different solution procedures