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The Vedic root variants of the type CaC // C(C)ā : formal patterns and transitivity types (Indo-Aryan evidence for the Indo-European Schwebeablaut and laryngeal root extension)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Bribri media tantum verbs and the rise of labile syntax
Skt. śudhyati/śudhyate ‘purify’ and the active/middle opposition in post-Vedic Sanskrit : a new function of a degrammaticalized category?
Des adjectifs tough dans des langues sans construction Tough? Le cas du russe
On the origins of passive allomorphy in Cuwabo (Bantu P34)
Introduction : Valency-decreasing derivations and quasi-middles in Bantu : a typological perspective
Proto-Indo-European syntax and its development
Leonid Kulikov (UGent) and Nikolaos Lavidas(2015) 75. -
Kvazidenominativy v vedijskom sanskrite: K tipologii denominativnyx i poluvspomogatel'nyx («legkix») glagolov
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Review of: D. Brown, M. Chumakina & G.G. Corbett (eds.), Canonical morphology and syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Obščeindoarijskie sibiljanty v Atharvavede: Zametki po vedijskoj dialektologii