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Journalistic role performance in times of COVID
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Beyond fiction : translations of Russian literature in Dutch newspapers during the Interbellum
As time goes by : retranslating fiction in periodicals
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Eastward bound : translated Russian fiction in Dutch newspapers (1917-1940)
Designing the news : a practitioner perspective on the production values in newspaper sub-editing
The economic policy uncertainty index for Flanders, Wallonia and Belgium
Hypertextuality in net-native health news : a quantitative content analysis of hyperlinks and where they lead to
'TRUST ME, I’M A SUB-EDITOR' 'Production values' at work in newspaper sub-editing
Who is leading the campaign charts? Comparing individual popularity on old and new media
Business model innovation in news media organisations : 2018 special issue of the European Media Management Association (emma)