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- Journal Article
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The development of the reading comprehension : progress monitoring (RC-PM) tool for late elementary students
On the speed sensitivity parameter in the lognormal model for response times and implications for high-stakes measurement practice
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Measuring depression in autistic adults : psychometric validation of the Beck Depression Inventory–II
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Testing measurement invariance of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen in a Belgian adult sample
Development and psychometric properties of rubrics for assessing social-emotional skills in youth
Comparison of classical and modern methods for measuring and correcting for acquiescence
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Time for a new approach to prepare future teachers for educational technology use: its meaning and measurement
Validity and reliability of situational judgement test scores : a new approach based on cognitive diagnosis models
Gender and socioeconomic related differences in performance based ICT competences
Direct measures of digital information processing and communication skills in primary education: using item response theory for the development and validation of an ICT competence scale