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Effect of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) on iodine release from acrylate-endcapped urethane-based poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels as antibacterial wound dressing
- Journal Article
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- open access
A green alternative for the direct aerobic iodination of arenes using molecular iodine and a POM@MOF catalyst
Concentration and isotopic composition of bromine and chlorine in Antarctic sea ice
- Journal Article
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Economic feasibility of iodine agronomic biofortification : a projective analysis with ugandan vegetable farmers
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Update on the role of antiseptics in the management of chronic wounds with critical colonisation and/or biofilm
Fate and bioaccessibility of iodine in food prepared from agronomically biofortified wheat and rice and impact of cofertilization with zinc and selenium
Selenium and iodine in diabetes mellitus with a focus on the interplay and speciation of the elements
Advances in recovering noble metals from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs)
- Journal Article
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Agronomic biofortification of maize and beans in Kenya through selenium fertilization
A novel framework for analysing stakeholder interest in healthy foods: a case study on iodine biofortification