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The effect of medical grade honey on tensile strength, strain, and Young's modulus of synthetic absorbable suture material used in equine surgery
A comparative genomic analysis of Fructobacillus evanidus sp. nov. from bumble bees
Design and manufacturing a microcontroller based measurement device for honey adulteration detection
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Revolutionizing non-conventional wound healing using honey by simultaneously targeting multiple molecular mechanisms
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Improvements in the rearing of the tachinid parasitoid Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) : influence of adult food on female longevity and reproduction capacity
Residues in beeswax : a health risk for the consumer of honey and beeswax?
Short communication: Lactic acid bacteria from the honeybee inhibit the in vitro growth of mastitis pathogens
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Effects of honey addition on antioxidative properties of different herbal teas
Biofilm inhibitory and eradicating activity of wound care products against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms in an in vitro chronic wound model
Honey in modern wound care: a systematic review