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Investigating when, which, and why users stop using a digital health intervention to promote an active lifestyle : secondary analysis with a focus on health action process approach–based psychological determinants
The Feel4Diabetes intervention : effectiveness on 24-hour physical behaviour composition in families at risk for diabetes development
- Journal Article
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- open access
Effectiveness of the mHealth intervention 'MyDayPlan' to increase physical activity : an aggregated single case approach
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- open access
The use of theory to develop physical activity interventions in urological cancer survivors : a narrative review
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- open access
Interventions for reducing sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling older adults
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- open access
Socio-economic determinants of physical activity across the life course : a 'DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella literature review
Preconception lifestyle changes in women with planned pregnancies
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- open access
Long working hours and alcohol use: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data
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- open access
International study of perceived neighbourhood environmental attributes and body mass index : IPEN Adult study in 12 countries
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Determinants of eating behaviour in university students : a qualitative study using focus group discussions