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Assessing biodiversity conditions in cocoa agroforests with a rapid assessment method : outcomes from a large-scale application in Ghana
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Theoretical and methodological basis for the determination of soil quality indicators in agricultural systems in central Cuba
Comparative evaluation of mineral status of soils under waterlogging and non-waterlogging grazing lands during the main rainy season in Jimma, Oromia Regional State, southwestern Ethiopia
The impact of river regulation on downstream socio-hydrologic systems in Ethiopia
From fast-track implementation to livelihood deterioration : the dam-based Ribb Irrigation and Drainage Project in Northwest Ethiopia
Farmers’ diagnosis of current soil erosion status and control within two contrasting agro-ecological zones of Rwanda
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A world without hunger : organic or GM crops?
Disease suppressiveness to Fusarium wilt of banana in an agroforestry system : influence of soil characteristics and plant community
Pressure of non-professional use of pesticides on operators, aquatic organisms and bees in Belgium
Sesbania rostrata (Bremek and Oberm.) as biological nitrogen fixator for sustainable lowland rice production