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No impact of tDCS on stress-induced state-rumination and no influence of executive control and trait-rumination : a double-blind sham-controlled within-subjects study
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- open access
A randomized controlled trial of cognitive control training (CCT) as an add-on treatment for late-life depression : a study protocol
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Executive control performance and foreign-language proficiency associated with immersion education in French-speaking Belgium
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Mapping dynamic interactions among cognitive biases in depression
Investigating the presumed cognitive advantage of aspiring interpreters
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The neural representation of mental beliefs held by two agents
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Pigeons’ performance in a tracking change-signal procedure is consistent with the independent horse-race model
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A domain-general monitoring account of language switching in recognition tasks : evidence for adaptive control
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Shifting gear in the study of the bilingual advantage : language switching examined as a possible moderator
- Journal Article
- A1
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Exogenously triggered response inhibition in developmental stuttering