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He made is for his lord: the verbs fʿl and ʿbd in Dadanitic inscriptions
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Mediterranean Timescapes : Chronological Age and Cultural Practice in the Roman Empire, by Ray Laurence & Francesco Trifilò
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The database of Hellenistic inscribed epigrams from Doric-speaking areas
The Etruscan family : a qualitative and quantitative approach to Hellenistic burials and epigraphy
(2022) -
Novel perspectives on communication practices in Antiquity : towards a historical social-semiotic approach
Klaas Bentein (UGent) and Yasmine Amory (UGent) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The ẓll of ancient Dadān : ritual and documentary practice
De rol van de Schelde in het Romeins transportsysteem (50 v.Chr. - 410 n. Chr.)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Dadanitic b-rʾy as referring to a local calendar?
Variation in the Dadanitic inscriptions : the case of RḌY
Scribal practices in contact : two Minaic/Dadanitic mixed texts