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Training load and acute performance decrements following different training sessions
Easy prediction of the maximal lactate steady-state in young and older men and women
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The impact of weather conditions on everyday cycling with different bike types in parents of young children participating in the CARTOBIKE randomized controlled trial
Self-reported cycling performance and impact on falls in persons with bilateral vestibulopathy
Training load and performance in cycling : unravelling the numbers
(2022) -
Measuring performance to predict performance : the development of the Cycling Compass
(2022) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Learning to cycle : a cross-cultural and cross-generational comparison
The effect of polymorphisms in FSHR and FSHB genes on ovarian response : a prospective multicenter multinational study in Europe and Asia
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Associations between personal attitudes towards COVID-19 and public space soundscape assessment : an example from Antwerp, Belgium
Training progression in recreational cyclists : no linear dose-response relationship with training load