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Learning habits : does overtraining lead to resistance to new learning?
- Journal Article
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Cue competition and incidental learning : no blocking or overshadowing in the colour-word contingency learning procedure without instructions to learn
- Journal Article
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Proportion congruency and practice: a contingency learning account of asymmetric list shifting effects
- Journal Article
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Contingency learning tracks with stimulus-response proportion no evidence of misprediction costs
- Journal Article
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Time course of colour-word contingency learning: practice curves, pre-exposure benefits, unlearning, and relearning
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Context-specific temporal learning with non-conflict stimuli: proof-of-principle for a learning account of context-specific proportion congruent effects
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- open access
Contingencies and attentional capture: the importance of matching stimulus informativeness in the item-specific proportion congruent task
- Journal Article
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The heterogeneous world of congruency sequence effects: an update
- Journal Article
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List-level transfer effects in temporal learning: further complications for the list-level proportion congruent effect
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- open access
Contingency and congruency switch in the congruency sequence effect: a reply to Blais, Stefanidi, and Brewer (2014)