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Narrating the news : a comparative study of sourcing practices in 37 countries
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Moving safely at night? Women's nocturnal mobilities in Recife, Brazil and Brussels, Belgium
A private security regulation index : ranking EU member states from 1931 until 2018
The development of an analytical framework to compare reception structures for unaccompanied refugee minors in Europe
Expect the (un)expected : the role of the school and education system in students' expectations for higher education
(2020) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
With respect for the core business : the impact of party ideology on the odds of government participation among regionalist parties
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Moving pictures in motion : methods of geographical analysis and visualisation in comparative research on local film exhibition using a case study of Brno and Ghent in 1952
Depression in women and men, cumulative disadvantage and gender inequality in 29 European countries
Does IPSAS meet heritage assets' user needs?
The party (un)faithful : explaining party members’ defecting voting behaviour in different contexts (Belgium and Britain)