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Film : natievorming op en achter het witte doek
Политически наративи в 'Ейбрахам Линкълн: Ловецът на вампири' и 'El Condе' : филмите на ужасите и 'високото изкуство'
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Reading Cronenberg : a clinical approach to the psychoanalysis of film
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
'They have the power to shut the sky' : genre cinema and the politics that dwell beneath
Science, art & truth : on the subject constituted in Ljubljana’s disciplinary concern
Sustainable screenings : economic, touristic and cultural impact of audiovisual productions on the host locations in the post-lockdown era
Marco Cucco, Massimo Scaglioni, Anna Sfardini and Gertjan Willems (UGent) -
Cinema as cultural heritage : reflections on a ‘new cinema history’ project in Adana with an eye on film festival research
Filmreeks Verboden Beelden
Een paradijs voor cinefielen : het rijke cinemaverleden in België
The other panicking audience : a new cinema history approach to early cinemagoing, cinema fires, disasters and panics