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Acoustic and perceptual effects of articulation exercises in transgender women
- Journal Article
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- open access
The retrospective acceptability of high intensity versus low intensity speech intervention in children with a cleft palate : a qualitative study from the parents’ point of view using the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability
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- open access
How acceptable is the use of linguistic-phonological intervention in children with cleft palate? A qualitative study in speech therapists
One size doesn’t fit all : a pilot study towards performance-specific speech intervention in children with a cleft (lip and) palate
Parents’ perceptions on speech therapy delivery models in children with a cleft palate : a mixed methods study
Perceptual speech outcomes after early primary palatal repair in Ugandan patients with cleft palate
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Delayed picture naming in the first and second language
A cleft care workshop for speech and language pathologists in resource-limited countries : the participants' experiences about cleft care in Uganda and satisfaction with the training effect
Stages in the development and validation of a Belgian Dutch outcome tool for the perceptual evaluation of speech in patients with cleft palate
The influence of oral health status on speech intelligibility, articulation and quality of life of older community-dwelling people