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- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Humor and the law : laughter as critique/the limits of laughter
Shared anthropology : when anthropology meets critical public pedagogy
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Chrono/logy and topo/logy in Hegel’s treatment of the spatial arts
Art in times of stupidity : Stiegler’s politicization of art in the hyperindustrial age
A non-cephalometric two-dimensional appraisal of soft tissue changes by functional therapy in Class II patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis
What artistry can do : essays on art and beauty
(2022) In Refractions -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Democratising conceptual art : what about the spectator?
From animal signals to art : manipulative animal signaling and the evolutionary foundations of aesthetic behavior and art production
Beauty-is-good, ugly-is-risky : food aesthetics bias and construal level
Sensing the next battle : an overshadowed prehistory of creative dissent in Tunisia