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Assessing anxiety-linked impairment in attentional control without eye-tracking : the masked-target antisaccade task
- Journal Article
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- open access
Personalized cognitive training : protocol for individual-level meta-analysis implementing machine learning methods
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Cognitive Control Training as an augmentation strategy to CBT in the treatment of fear of failure in undergraduates
- Journal Article
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Remediation of depression-related cognitive impairment : cognitive control training as treatment augmentation
- Journal Article
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Personal audiovisual aptitude influences the interaction between landscape and soundscape appraisal
- Journal Article
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The influence of cognitive control training on stress reactivity and rumination in response to a lab stressor and naturalistic stress
- Journal Article
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Implicit attitudes towards smoking predict long-term relapse in abstinent smokers
Exploration of the mechanisms underlying the ISPC effect: evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging data
- Journal Article
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- open access
Temporal learning and list-level proportion congruency: conflict adaptation or learning when to respond?
Lying and executive control: an experimental investigation using ego depletion and goal neglect