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The Vedic root variants of the type CaC // C(C)ā : formal patterns and transitivity types (Indo-Aryan evidence for the Indo-European Schwebeablaut and laryngeal root extension)
Yamī’s friendship(s) : how it started and how it ended up : linguistic and text-critical notes on the dialogue hymn R̥gveda 10.10
Old Indo-Aryan
- Book Chapter
- open access
Les verbes labiles dans l’histoire de la famille indo-européenne : une perspective typologique diachronique
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Yamī, Yama et leurs cousins indo-européens : notes sur le mythe indo-européen de l’inceste primordial
- Book Chapter
- open access
Vedic āhanás- and its relatives/cognates within and outside Indo-Iranian
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Quelques notes sur les formes dites 'itératives’ indo-européennes: le type patayati et les presents redoublés en védique
Kvazidenominativy v vedijskom sanskrite: K tipologii denominativnyx i poluvspomogatel'nyx («legkix») glagolov
Obščeindoarijskie sibiljanty v Atharvavede: Zametki po vedijskoj dialektologii
The decline of labile syntax in Old Indo-Aryan: a diachronic typological perspective