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- Journal Article
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Predicting meat consumption from concurrent, automatic appraisals : introducing nuance to product appraisals
You are what you eat or shouldn’t you? Considering omnivores' perceptions of veg*ns in promoting plant-based diets
(2021) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Animals like us : leveraging the negativity bias in anthropomorphism to reduce beef consumption
Okay to promote eating less meat, but don't be a cheat : the role of dietary identity, perceived inconsistency and inclusive language of an advocate in legitimizing meat reduction
Guanidinoacetic acid supplementation in broiler chickens fed on corn-soybean diets affects performance in the finisher period and energy metabolites in breast muscle independent of diet nutrient density
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Nutritional status of Flemish vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians: a matched samples study