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POIROT trial : post-operative imaging after urethroplasty with peri-catheter retrograde urethrography or trial of voiding with voiding cysto-urethrography
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Reaching consensus for comprehensive outcome measurement after urethral stricture surgery : development of study protocol for stricture-fecta criteria
European Association of Urology guidelines on urethral stricture disease part 3 : management of strictures in females and transgender patients
European Association of Urology guidelines on urethral stricture disease (part 1) : management of male urethral stricture disease
European Association of Urology guidelines on urethral stricture disease (part 2) : diagnosis, perioperative management, and follow-up in males
Free graft augmentation urethroplasty for bulbar urethral strictures : which technique is best? A systematic review
Update on the management of complex strictures of the bulbar urethra
Optimizing anastomotic repair for bulbar urethral stricture disease in men
(2021) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Current management of membranous urethral strictures due to radiation
Urethral plate quality assessment and its impact on hypospadias repair outcomes : a systematic review and quality assessment