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Aspirations of people with intellectual disabilities living in a care organization
Theorizing notions of the participation of people in poverty in social policymaking : policing, politics, and subjectification
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Developing a poverty-aware pedagogy : from paradigm to reflexive practice in post-academic social work education
Learning to play chess : how to make sense of a politics of representation with people in poverty when aiming for social change
Enabling the recognition of people in poverty through social work practice. From being on a par to participating on a par = De erkenning van mensen in armoede via sociaal werk. Van gelijkwaardig zijn naar gelijkwaardige participatie
Pawns or pioneers? The logic of user participation in anti-poverty policy making in public policy units in Belgium
Identifying operational improvements during the design process of a time-driven ABC system: the role of collective worker participation and leadership style