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Human iPSC modeling recapitulates in vivo sympathoadrenal development and reveals an aberrant developmental subpopulation in familial neuroblastoma
- Journal Article
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Redox regulation of chromatin remodelling in plants
Killing of xenogenous and virally infected homogenous target cells by shrimp lymphocyte-like haemocytes
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Effects of hypothermia and hypoxia on cytochrome P450‐mediated drug metabolism in neonatal Göttingen minipigs
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A new look at osteoarthritis: threshold potentials and an analogy to hypocalcemia
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People with HIV have higher percentages of circulating CCR5+CD8+T cells and lower percentages of CCR5+regulatory T cells
Cluster of differentiation frequency on antigen presenting-cells : the next step to cervical cancer prognosis?
- Journal Article
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SUBATOMIC : a SUbgraph BAsed mulTi-OMIcs clustering framework to analyze integrated multi-edge networks
- Journal Article
- A1
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Comprehensive RNA dataset of tissue and plasma from patients with esophageal cancer or precursor lesions
- Journal Article
- A1
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The neurogliovascular unit in hepatic encephalopathy