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- Journal Article
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- open access
The self-critical patient in clinical supervision : a qualitative study of therapists’ alliance struggles and emotional reactions in short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression
Psychopathic traits, treatment engagement, and their interrelation in criminal justice-involved boys : a cross-sectional network analysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Getting to 'yes' : overcoming client reluctance to engage in chair work
The working alliance with people experiencing suicidal ideation : a qualitative study of nurses’ perspectives
Therapists’ responses toward dependent (anaclitic) and self-critical (introjective) depressed outpatients : a multilevel approach
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Reconstructing a sense of relational agency in family therapy
Detained girls' treatment engagement over time: the role of psychopathology and quality of life
The working alliance between patients with bipolar disorder and the nurse : helpful and obstructive elements during a depressive episode from the patients' perspective
The voice of troubled youth: children's and adolescents' ideas on helpful elements of care
Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: a look at theory and practice