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Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating symptoms in children's daily life : can parents protect against appearance comparison on social media?
Organizational practices to co-create value with family members engaged in service journeys of their loved ones
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The role of multi-platform news consumption in explaining civic participation during the COVID-19 pandemic : a communication mediation approach
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Networked gift-giving : ethno-religious minority youths’ negotiation of status and social ties in a society of distrust
- Journal Article
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The limitations of irony detection in Dutch social media
Far from the bookish crowd : using aspect-based sentiment analysis to analyse the 'layperson' literary criticism surrounding literary prizes on social media
- Journal Article
- A1
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The role of social media in driving beliefs, attitudes, and intentions of meat reduction towards plant-based meat behavioral intentions
Social media influencers as new agents on parenthood? A systematic literature review of parent influencer research and a future research agenda
The wisdom of the cloud : an aspect-based sentiment analysis of professional and online literary criticism through the prism of four literary prizes
(2024) -
'So much for literary democracy' : journalistic capital and the influence and reception of scandal surrounding the Not The Booker Prize on social media