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Are all negotiations equally favorable? The role of adolescents’ negotiation style, social domain, and mothers’ authoritarian beliefs and family history
The EU as a global gender actor : tracing intersectionality in the European gender action plans for external relations 2010–2025
Psychological science and its societal mission during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic : the Motivation Barometer as an evidence‐informed policy instrument in Belgium
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‘We reach out but we also expect something in return’ : social work engaging with Roma people in temporary container homes at the edge of the city
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Multi‐family therapy for adult outpatients with obsessive‐compulsive disorder and their family members, targeting family accommodation
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Psychosocial determinants of sleep behavior and healthy sleep among adolescents : a two-wave panel study
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The classical canon and its limitations
Multifamily therapy : spreading across the world
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Recognizing the never quite absent : de facto usage, ethical issues, and applications of covert research in difficult research contexts
Healing at the intersection of psychosis and poetry