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The long road from teacher professional development to student improvement : a school-wide professionalization on self-regulated learning in primary education
Do you reap what you sow? The relationship between primary school students’ self-regulated learning and student, teacher, and school determinants
Mine the process : investigating the cyclical nature of upper primary school students’ self-regulated learning
It’s not only about the teacher! A qualitative study into the role of school climate in primary schools’ implementation of self-regulated learning
Improving student midwives’ workplace learning by moving from self- to co-regulated learning!
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How competent do teachers feel instructing self-regulated learning strategies? Development and validation of the teacher self-efficacy scale to implement self-regulated learning
The challenge of promoting self-regulated learning among primary school children with a low socio-economic and immigrant background
Do regular and special education teachers differ in the way they promote self-regulated learning?
(2016) -
Using think-aloud protocol analysis to gain in-depth insights into upper primary school children's self-regulated learning
The challenge of promoting at-risk primary school children's self-regulated learning